Shayna's Web Page

Unknown breed / mixed (long coat)  : :  Female  : :  Senior  : :  Small

Purebred Papillion

About Shayna

  • Status: Adopted!
  • Species: Dog
  • Rescue ID: 3577
Shayna is a BEAUTIFUL Papillion Princess that is another victim of circumstance... Divorce, Shes looking for a quieter calm home as that is what she used to, and at 7 yrs of age we dont want to rock her world., Shes a quiet/independant little girl who loves to please, shes not one that likes to be carried around but appreciates snuggling in the chair next to you, Shes very treat motivated and will dance a Paw-Paw dance for it, She tolerates grooming,is great in the car, Shes Potty and crate trained and we feel she would make an older couple or single person, she has never been exposed to children so we dont think she would tolerate that well., She is good with her brother Bijou,but unknown with other dogs., SHAYNA'S ADOPTION FEE IS $250.00